Eduardo Rufeisen
International experience producing, directing, and editing projects in film, HD, and TV shows. Proven ability to work in highly dynamic environments on creative and operational aspects of production, including collaboration with 3rd party providers and managing budgets. Excellent communication and leadership skills. Winner of film and photography awards, domestically and abroad.
2016 – present
Founder Film Producer/Director – DeGoya Productions LLC
Create, produce, direct, and edit storytelling videos for corporations, independent films, and documentaries
Clients: Google, Oath, Yahoo, HP, Apigee.
2020 – present
Film Adjunct Professor at De Anza College, Cupertino, CA
Non-Linear Editing
Intermediate Digital Film and Video Production
2018 – present
Film Adjunct Professor at City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Intro to Film Studies
American Cinema
Narrative Filmmaking
Directing Motion Pictures
Non-Linear Editing
2017 – present
Media Arts Adjunct Professor at San Jose City College, San Jose, CA
Intro to Media Arts
Media Arts Project
Digital Video Production
Intro to Film Studies
2017 – present
Film Adjunct Professor West Valley College, Saratoga, CA
Genre: Horror and Sci-Fi
Genre: Westerns and Musicals
Genre: Gangsters and Detectives
American Cinema
Superhero Cinema
Non-Linear Editing
Intro to Film Studies
2015 – present
Film Adjunct Professor at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA
American Cinema
Film History
Intro to Film Studies
Racen and Gender in America Media
2014 - 2015
Director of Acting Portfolios at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Directed 400+ portfolio short films and scenes for the graduating acting students, all on my YouTube channel
Guided graduating Acting and Motion Pictures Directing students in the production of their portfolio videos in a professional studio set up, supervising 9 crew members
2004 - 2014
Director of Motion Pictures Department at The Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Managed the Motion Pictures and Television department team. Attended to the needs of a diverse population of approximately 1600 students. Results: cost reductions and increased customer satisfaction (as measured in annual student surveys)
Supervised the budget for equipment and facilities (including 5 studios)
Researched the market for new technologies and participated in trade shows like NAB every year
Leadership skills: evaluated, managed, and mentored 66 reports and 107 instructors
Involved in the production of an average of 30 short films per year in the university studios. In addition, directed portfolio scenes and shorts for the acting students. Great record in increasing the number of productions and improving the quality of performances and films
I ran the University Open House events to the public, where I directed scenes in front of a live audience.
Worked with A-list Hollywood Producers, Directors, and Actors to redesign and develop the MFA and BFA curriculums resulting in WASC accreditation
Worked on the organization of the Film Festival and Co-Hosted film-related events & workshops with distinguished movie industry guests, including Diane Baker, Ron Bass, Mike Medavoy (http://www.imdb.com/find?q=Mike+Medavoy&s=all), actors Tippi Hedren, Martin Landau, and Christopher Lloy,d among others
Taught: Cine 16 mm, Super 8mm/Photo/Storyboard, Motion Pictures Language, Film Language Studio, Producing for Motion Pictures, Film History, Work of Great Directors, Directing 1, 2 and 3, Directing Actors, Acting for Camera 1,2 and 3, Filmmaking for Independents.
1997 - 2004
Producer & Director, various clients, San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Produced and directed multi-camera studio television shows, documentaries, industrial videos, commercials, and short films with multiple international awards
Clients included Intrepid Productions, HeadQuarters Advertising, Comcast, Hewlett Packard, Sterling Payot
Instructor of college-level courses: Producing, Directing, Cinematography, Film language, Visual storytelling, and Communication at Academy of Art University; Foothill and Menlo Colleges
1994 – 1996
Photographer, San Francisco, CA (during the same period as my MFA studies)
Fine Arts exhibitions in the United States and Brazil
Professional photoshoots for a car magazine
Photos awarded at Photographer’s Forum Magazine-Finalist: 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997
1992 -1993
Producer, Rede Bandeirantes de Televisao, Brazil
Producer of more than 100 TV shows, sports events, and documentaries
Created and managed the budget and ratings for this top Brazilian TV network
Responsible for the creation of a production cost system for new television shows that resulted in a 25% cost reduction
Marketing Manager, MTV, Brazil
Created advertising campaigns for television
Created marketing strategies to promote the MTV brand
Senior Adviser for the Marketing and Advertising Department, Robert Bosch/Blaupunkt, Brazil
Directed advertising campaigns for print, TV, and radio that increased the market share for the company
Interfaced with advertising agencies for the creation of advertising campaigns, budget and media coverage
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
MFA, Motion Pictures, 1997, GPA 3.89 among the top 1% in my graduation year
Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, Brazil
MBA, Graduate Degree, Marketing/Advertising, 1990, graduated in the top 1%
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
BS, Economics, 1986, graduated in the top 3%
Recognized as #204 World University at http://www.topuniversities.com top 1.5%
• Citizenship status: US citizen
• Experience with Film Productions and 4K/6k cameras
• Software: MS Office, Avid, Adobe Creative Suite; Final Draft, YouTube, Vimeo, WIX.
• CANVAS certified: Introduction to Online Teaching & Learning IOTL, Foothill College Canvas Certification
• Languages: Portuguese (native), English and Spanish (fluent), German (conversational)
Semi-Finalist - Unnamed Footage Film Festival, U.S., 2025- Experimental Film - Sit Down
Honorable Mention - Hallucinea Film Festival, Paris, 2025- Experimental Film - Sit Down
Winner Best Film - Eduardo Rufeisen, Best Short Screenplay - Eduardo Rufeisen, Best Director - Eduardo Rufeisen, Best Cinematography - Phil Briggs, Best Editing - Wes Sneeringer, Best Actor - Cyrill Rurel - Atlantis Film Awards 2025 - Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection - BASH- Bay Area & Sacramento Short Films Festival 2025 - Experimental Film - Sit Down
Official Selection -Golden State Film Festival. 2024. Script: The School Girl
Official Selection - CIFF - California International Film Festival. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Winner Best Heist Screenplay - Culver City Film Festival. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Quarter-Finalist - San Francisco International Screenwriting Competition & Film Awards. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Official Selection - American Screenwriters Conference. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Honorable Mention – Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Finalist - Paris Screenplay Awards | Les Prix du Scénario de Paris. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Quarter-Finalist - New York Metropolitan Screenwriting Competition & Film Awards. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Quarter-Finalist - Wiki: The World's Fastest Screenplay Contest! U.S. 2023. Script: The School Girl
Official Selection Paris World Cinema Festival, France, 2023. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Winner of Best Drama, 2022 Padova 4th Wall Indie Filmmaker Festival, Italy. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Semi-Finalist 2022 Near Nazareth Festival - Afula, Israel. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection New Filmmakers Film Festival, New York, 2022. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Quarter-Finalist - San Francisco International Screenwriting Competition 2022, California. Feature Film Script: Bamboozled
Finalist Boden International Film Festival, Sweden, 2021. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Winner of Best Short Film. Auber International Film Festival 2021, Paris. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Finalist Out of The Can International Film Festival 2021, UK. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Honorable Mention - Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards 2021, California. Feature Film Script: Bamboozled
Nominee 15th edition of the Grand OFF festival! 2021 WARSAW Poland. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection 18th Annual 2021 Chicago International REEL Shorts Festival Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection DAVINCI International Film Festival 2021. COVIDaVINCI Selection. Film: LEMONADE
Winner of Best Magic Moment in a Film. Canada Yes! Let’s Make a Movie Film Festival 2021. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection Love International Film Festival 2021. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Winner of Best Local Film. San Francisco Indie Shorts Film Festival 2021, California. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Winner Finalist Best Music Composition - 3 Minute Film Festival 2021- Santa Barbara, California: LEMONADE
Official Selection Prestige Film Festival 2021, Fox Cineplex in Banning, California. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Winner of the Avalonia Photography Competition Best Selfie – PHOTO: Son of Man, June 11, 2021
Official Selection PTFF Port Townsend Film Festival 2021 - Port Townsend, WA. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection Marina Del Rey Film Festival 2021 CineMark 18 and XD, LA, California. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection LETNetworks presents: #AmLatino Film Festival 2021 - LARRIMINA
Finalist Shiver Shorts Film Festival 2021. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection Love Actually International Short Film Festival 2021 NY. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Winner of the Honorable Mention Best Inspirational Short - Imagine Rain Independent Film Awards 2021 LA. Film: LEMONADE
Official Selection Standalone Film Festival & Awards 2021. Film: LEMONADE
Official Selection Cambria Film Festival of Romance, Love and Rom-Coms 2021 California. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris
Official Selection Los Angeles Independent Film Festival 2021 (https://stream.filmfestnetwork.com/laiff-block-1-official-selections-group-1/). Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Winner Best LInes/Dialogue Love Story Category - So Limitless and Free International Film Festival 2020 (https://porcovetepictures.com/so-limitless-and-free-film-festival-winners/Montreal), Canada. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Winner Best Cinematography- So Limitless and Free International Film Festival 2020 (https://porcovetepictures.com/so-limitless-and-free-film-festival-winners/Montreal), Canada. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Official Selection Sao Paulo Film Festival 2020. Brazil. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Official Selection Florence Cinefest 2021 (https://florencecinefest.wixsite.com/2020/2021) Italy. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Official Selection BLOW-UP · International Arthouse Filmfest Chicago 2020 (http://www.blowupfilmfest.com/#!/2020/official-selection-and-nominations.html) Film: LARRIMINA
Semi-Finalist Luminous Frames Festival 2020. Denmark. Film: LARRIMINA
Official Selection Festival International Signes de Nuit2020. Paris. Film: LARRIMINA
Official Selection 180 Berlin FilmFest. Film: LARRIMINA
Official Selection Cine Tornado Festival 2020. Brazil. Film: LARRIMINA
Winner Best Romance Film - Feedback Romance Film & Screenplay Festival 2020. California. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Official Selection Snowdance Independent Film Festival 2021. Germany. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Winner of: Best Romance Short Film, Best Actor, Best Acting Duo, Best Original Score Short Film, Best Color Treatment -- Creation International Film Festival. California. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Official Selection Cambria Film Festival of Romance, Love, and Rom-coms 2021. California. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Finalist of Paris Play International Film Festival 2020. (https://parisplayfilmfestival.wordpress.com/winners-10th-edition/?fbclid=IwAR1piPBrdwY_fY3K_9G91n0uSPeKf7dzCb-oOwHWCGPScCN6FcL4XmSBUns) Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Winner of Special Jury (SJA) Remi Award, WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival 2020. Film: THE DECISIVE MOMENT – Shot in Paris.
Official Selection Shiver Film Festival, Ontario, Canada, 2020. Film: LARRIMINA
Official Selection New Filmmakers Film Festival, New York, 2020. Film: LARRIMINA
Finalist 2020 - 3 Minute Film Festival (https://www.3minutefilmfestival.com/7th-season-official-selection.html)- Santa Barbara, California: LARRIMINA
Finalist 2020 Lisbon Film Rendezvous Festival, Portugal: LARRIMINA
Official Selection 2020 Thinking Hat Fiction Challenge Festival Season 3, India: LARRIMINA
Winner Best Experimental 2019 - Eurasia Film Festival - Russia: LARRIMINA
Official Selection 2019 BASH Film Festival- Bay Area, California: LARRIMINA
Winner Best Documentary 2019 Austrian Film Festival. Vienna, Austria. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Selection 2018 Weihnachts International Film Festival - Berlin, Germany. Short Film: 2045
Official Selection 2018 Snowdance Independent Film Festival - Landsberg am Lech, Germany. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Selection 2018 Near Nazareth Festival - Afula, Israel. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Winner 2017 Humanitarian Award, Accolade Global Film Competition. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Winner of the Social Impact, Storytelling Award. Show For a Change Film Festival. 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Winner of the Silver Award. North American Film Awards. 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Finalist, Hollywood Screenplay Contest, 2017: MENINO DO RIO
Winner - Award of Excellence Accolade Global Film Competition, 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Selection, United Nations Association Film Festival, 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Selection, Awareness Film Festival, 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Selection: Big Short Film Festival 2017. Film: IT WAS DALI
Winner - Screenplay category, Colorado International Film Festival, 2017: MENINO DO RIO
Official Selection, Global Peace Film Festival, 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Winner of the Bronze Award, Spotlight Documentary Film Awards, 2017: THE EVIL WITHIN
Winner of the Excellence in Research Award, Docs Without Border Film Festival, 2017: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Selection HOPE Film Awards, 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Semi-Finalist. BASH - Bay Area Short Film Festivals, August 5th, 2017. Film: A MOVIE SET
Winner at the Independent Documentary Awards, March 2017: THE EVIL WITHIN
Finalist at Alternative Film Festival Spring 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Semi-Finalist Los Angeles CineFest 2017. Feature Documentary: THE EVIL WITHIN
Official Selection (http://laughordiecomedyfest.com/2017-season) Laugh or Die Comedy Fest. Film: Human Resources
Official Selection Official Selection. Hope Film Awards 2017. Film: IT WAS DALI
Official Selection. Madhouse Movies 2017. Film: A MOVIE SET
Finalist (https://sites.google.com/view/hope-film-awards/home). Hope Film Awards 2017. Film: A MOVIE SET
Official Selection. London International Film Festival 2016. Film: IT WAS DALI
Winner Best Documentary Feature. World Premiere Film Awards 2016: THE EVIL WITHIN
Winner Best Comedy. North American Film Awards – NAFA 2016. Film: A MOVIE SET - https://www.imdb.com/event/ev0004128/2016/1/
Nominee Best Short Screenplay. CANNES LATTITUTE 2016. Animation: MENINO DO RIO
Official Selection. North Portland Unknown Film Festival 2016. (http://www.portlandunknown.com/deep2016.html) Music Video: A CUP SONG
Official Selection. 2016 Blow-Up Chicago International Arthouse Film Fest (http://www.blowupfilmfest.com/#!/2016/official-selection-and-nominations.html). Film: IT WAS DALI
Nominee Best Short Script. Top Indie Film Awards. Animation: MENINO DO RIO
Official Selection. Hollywood Film Competition, 2016. Music Video: A CUP SONG
Official Selection. Diamond in the Rough Film Festival. Bluelight Cinemas Cupertino, California 2016. Film: IT WAS DALI
Winner of the Month 8/2016. Direct Short Online Film Festival. Film: A MOVIE SET
Winner Award of Recognition 2016 (https://bestshorts.net/past-winners/award-of-recognition-june-2016/). Best Short Competition. Film: A MOVIE SET
Winner of the Gold Award for Best Narrative Short and Best Director. International Independent Film Award. Film: A MOVIE SET
Nominee Best International Short Film. Moving Pictures Festival. Belgium 2016. Film: A MOVIE SET
Winner of the Bronze Award for films with high artistic achievement. Spotlight Short Film Awards, 2016. Film A MOVIE SET
Official Selection for the Annual Innovative Film Festival 2016. Film: IT WAS DALI
Winner Award of Recognition. Accolade Global Film Competition, May 2016. Film: IT WAS DALI
Official Selection. Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, 2016. Film: A MOVIE SET
Winner Best Comedy and Ensemble Cast (https://himpff.com/may-2016-winners.html). Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival, 2016. Film: A MOVIE SET
Official Selection. Bucharest Shortcut CineFest, 2016. Music Video: A CUP SONG
Winner of Diamond Award Best Actor and Editor, Bronze Award Director and Composer. LA Shorts Awards Jan 2016. Film: A MOVIE SET
Official Selection. Los Angeles CineFest, April 2016. Music Video: A CUP SONG
Official Selection. Tracce Cinema International Short Film Festival, Rome, 2016. Music Video: A CUP SONG
Official Selection. Los Angeles CineFest, January 2016. Film: IT WAS DALI
Official Selection. New Filmmakers Film Festival, New York, 2016. Film: A MOVIE SET
Semi-Finalist. Screenwriting Category - CARMEL Film Festival, 2015. MENINO DO RIO
Winner of the Bronze Award for High Artistic Achievement. The Spotlight Short Film Awards. Atlanta, 2015. Film: IT WAS DALI
Official Selection. New Filmmakers Film Festival, New York, 2014. Film: HUMAN RESOURCES
Winner of Best Documentary. Canadian International Film Festival, 1999. Documentary: EMILE LAHNER
Winner of Best Experimental. Canadian International Film Festival, 1998. Film: STILL LIFE
Official Selection. San Antonio Cine Festival, 1998. Film: STILL LIFE
Official Selection. XXXI Festival de Cinema de Brasilia, Brazil, 1998. Film: STILL LIFE
Winner of Certificate of Award. Spring Show San Francisco Academy of Art, 1998. Film: STILL LIFE
Winner of the Special Prize of the Jury. Festival Internacional de Gramado, Brazil, 1997. Film: LIFE